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发表于 2021-6-17 09:29 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式 来自 江苏南京
本帖最后由 乐彼客服1 于 2021-6-17 09:36 编辑



乐彼P6 Pro测评



The P6 Pro has taken that wonderful almost analog and life-like tone of the P6 and injected it with a huge boost in the dynamic range giving it a greater sense of urgency, a more vivid performance if you will.

Everything that is truly wonderful about the P6 is still there. That means the fantastic level of detail in note texture, brilliant low-end definition and weight, and a life-like and immensely likable high-frequency reproduction.

However, add to it now a midrange performance that has superior separation, a harmonic balance that tilts slightly less to the warm and euphonic, and a faster transient response from our paired monitors and headphones.

The sound is now natural to slightly neutral, perhaps more aggressive than I was expecting but it truly brings to life any monitor’s vocal presence without adding unwanted harshness or nasty digital artifacts.

Previously, I mentioned that delta-sigma was excellent at painting a broad picture of music, in how they seem to manage everything outside of the note so well, such as staging complexity. And that the P6 instead focuses on discovering amazing detail within the note, or within the texture if you will.

Now, the P6 Pro can do both. The superior dynamic range creates a much better sense of space, and a more holographic soundstage to compete with all but the most ethereal competing sound signatures.


This has still all the hallmarks of an R2R timbre with its excellent body, liquid-like attack but not the overall timbral tone has gone from warm and smooth to natural and spritely.

The P6 Pro instrumental and vocal timbre still lacks the delta-sigma gloss on individual notes so that wonderful grit and character remain resolutely clear with each note’s strike, particularly so with dynamic drivers. However, this time the harmonic balance is more accurate to my ear rather than erring to the euphonic side with the P6.

That does not mean the instrumental tone is muted or analytical. In fact, quite the opposite because of that enhanced dynamic range and stronger bass fundamental, notes are more bombastic and high energy in their delivery meaning they sound anything but dull or soft.

I had mentioned before how well the P6 dealt with the character of violin plucks and how it could easily tease out any intentional roughness as the string hits the bow. Now imagine that pluck with more vibrancy, more thrust if you will, and a slightly better physical impact.

This does not come at the cost of a ‘brighter’ treble. It still sounds perfectly balanced but this time a bit more lively and not quite as relaxed as the original P6. It does help a lot with a stronger perception of clarity through the P6 Pro’s midrange, one that is not quite matched by the softer P6 tone.

P6 Pro声音印象


P6 Pro延续了P6美妙的、几乎是模拟的、栩栩如生的音色,并在动态范围方面实现了巨大的提升,使其具有更强的紧迫感,正如你期待的那样,这是一种更生动的音色表现。


然而,现在的P6 Pro还要再加上出色的中频表现。它具有卓越的分离度,三频均衡度略微偏向温暖和轻快,搭配我们的监听入耳和头戴耳机时都有着更快的瞬态响应。

现在P6 Pro的声音是自然的、略带中性的,也许比我预期的更有侵略性,但它真正使任何监听入耳的人声都变得活灵活现,没有增加不必要的刺耳声或惹人讨厌的数码味。


现在,P6 Pro可以同时做到这两点:出色的动态范围创造了更好的空间感,以及更多的全息声场,这可以和最具竞争力的顶尖声音特性相媲美。



相比Delta-Sigma机型,P6 Pro的乐器和人声音色仍然缺乏表现单个音符的光泽感。因此,在每个音符敲击出来时,伴随着的是美妙的颗粒感以及绝对的清晰度,尤其搭配动圈耳机时。然而,这一次,对我耳朵来说,P6 Pro的三频均衡性更好、音色更加准确,而不是像P6那样偏向于突出丰富乐感与染色。

这并不意味着P6 Pro器乐音色是黯淡的或干巴巴的。事实上,恰恰相反,由于增强的动态范围和更扎实的低频下潜,使音符在传递过程中更具爆炸性和能量感,这意味着它们听起来并不沉闷或柔软。


这并不是以 "更亮 "的高音为代价的。它的三频听起来仍然是完美的平衡,但这次更活泼一些,不像原来的P6那样松弛。它确实对让P6 Pro中频更清晰有很大帮助,这一点是音色偏柔和的P6所不能比拟的。


The P6 Pro retains the original’s penchant for a natural or a live concert performance vibe but this time the soundstage has not so much got huge, rather it is a lot more accurate and immersive.

Vocals if anything, sound more forward and physical than before but with better separation from supporting instruments. The blacker background of the P6 Pro delivers a much more complex staging quality but one that is also clearer and easier to interpret in terms of imaging and nuanced spatial cues.

That little lick of upper harmonic presence also provides just enough sparkle to pick out those cues far quicker than the more compressed and softer-sounding P6 staging performance.
The low-end sounds more defined, with a slightly shorter decay from our tested monitors and definitely improved layering. In turn, the improved dynamic range strengthens the fundamental so PRaT is more convincing on the P6 Pro compared to the P6.

Treble airiness and headroom have very much improved on the P6 Pro but it still not the star of the show. There is still a minor but natural-sounding upper treble fade giving it an airier taller soundstage overall compared to the P6.


First things first, you will not need quite as much volume-boosting in BT mode using the P6 Pro compared to the P6. You should get to a comfortable listening level around 10 steps lower in low-gain balanced on the P6 Pro with our example tested monitor, the EE Odin.

Second, as with the previous P6 review, nothing less than LDAC is worth it for BT playback on the P6 Pro. Not only does it open up the soundstage with improved headroom and treble sparkle but it takes advantage of the better overall dynamic range the P6 Pro can offer. aptX at a pinch if needed but anything lower is a waste of a great DAP.

Tonally, you are also going to hear a little less mid-bass bloom and a stronger upper-mids and vocal presence using LDAC compared to the original P6’s Bluetooth sound signature. The P6 retains a sweet tone but the overall mids sound comparatively softer and warmer with a little less clarity.

The dynamic range does take a hit, but that should be unsurprising given just how excellent the wired performance is. The killer low-end that sounds softer and less impactful and little imaging clues such as a peripheral finger click not grabbing my attention as much.


P6 Pro保留了P6原版的自然或现场音乐会的氛围,但这次的声场并没有变得巨大,而是更加准确和身临其境。

如果有人声的话,听起来会比以前更靠前、更有形体感,与配乐的分离度更好。P6 Pro的漆黑背景提供了更有层次感的声场表现,让人能更清楚、更容易地体会到结像和细微的空间线索。

极高频泛音的蜻蜓点水,也能提供足够的闪光点去捕捉空间感里的那些细微线索。比起P6相对压缩且偏软的声场表现,P6 Pro捕捉的速度快得多。

低频听起来更加明确,从我们评测时接的监听入耳上看,P6 Pro的衰减时间稍短,而且层次感很明确地有所改善。反过来讲,P6 Pro改进的动态范围强化了低频基底,因此与P6相比, P6 Pro在速度、节奏、氛围方面的表现都更有说服力。

高频空气感和头上空间在P6 Pro上有很大的改善,但它仍然不是节目的主角。与P6相比,仍然有一个微小但听起来很自然的极高频衰减,使它整个声场空气感更足、高度更高。


首先,与P6相比,在蓝牙模式下使用P6 Pro,你不需要相当多的音量提升。在P6 Pro的低增益平衡输出模式下,你应该就能达到一个舒适的音量水平,接Empire Ear Odin时,P6 Pro比P6要低大概10格音量。

第二,与之前的P6评测一样,对于P6 Pro的蓝牙播放来说,没有什么比LDAC更值得的了。它不仅可以通过改善头上空间和高频亮度来打开声场,而且还可以利用P6 Pro可以提供的更好的整体动态范围。如果需要,还可以使用aptX,但对于一台出众的播放器而言,任何低阶聆听模式都是一种浪费。

从音色上看,与原来P6的蓝牙声音特征相比,用LDAC模式的P6 Pro,你还会听到量感稍减的中低频以及更强的中高频和人声。P6音调始终保持甜美感,但整体的中频听起来相对比较柔和、温暖,清晰度上会差一些。

动态范围确实受到了打击,但考虑到有线连接模式时P6 Pro的性能有多出色,这应该是不奇怪的。P6 Pro杀手级的低频听起来变得柔和起来、冲击力更小,结像变得幼细,就像点击指尖末梢一般,不再那么吸引我注意力了。



Since the P6 Pro operates only as a receive pairing on most BT capable sources is straightforward. Simply turn on BT inside the Advanced settings on the P6 Pro, activate pairing from the source, and wait until the “P6Pro” pops up during scanning and click pair.

On smartphones this was almost immediate though on my Win 10 laptop it took a while though I blame Windows more than the P6 Pro for the delay.

On Windows, it will be labeled with a speaker icon but classified as a music receiver. Win 10 will deliver up to aptX for decoding whilst most Android phones will give you a higher quality LDAC connection.

Once playback starts it will give you an information screen displaying codec and bitrate but you can use the command button to get out of that screen and make other adjustments in the P6 Pro menu if needed without breaking the BT pairing.


The P6 Pro range has not really changed since my time spent with the original P6. Using LDAC I can get about 9m away from a smartphone transmitting before signal quality gets a bit patchy and starts dropping out.

Downgrading to SBC I can go the full 10m-11m that I usually get with an average TWS setup though to be honest the level of resolution and dynamic range from a non LDAC signal is not up to par for my tastes.


The latency on the P6 Pro BT connection is really very good but only when you change the USB Delay setting to ‘short delay’ and not ‘long delay’. With it connected wirelessly to a Windows 10 Acer laptop using high bitrate media files, I could not detect any looseness in the audio sync with the short delay option.

YouTube and Netflix were also excellent performers for audio sync, unlike TWS which can show a little frustrating lag in lip-syncing on platforms where audio sync tools are not available.



由于P6 Pro只作为一个接收装置运行,所以在大多数具有蓝牙功能的信号源上进行配对是很简单的。只需在P6 Pro的高级设置中打开蓝牙开关,从信号源激活配对,等待扫描时弹出 "P6Pro "并点击配对。

在智能手机上,这几乎是立竿见影完成连接的,但在我的Win 10笔记本电脑上则需要一段时间,不过我更多地是责怪Windows而不是P6 Pro的延迟。

在Windows系统上,它将被标记为一个扬声器图标,但被归类为一个音乐接收器。Win 10将提供高达aptX协议的解码,而大多数安卓手机则会给你一个更高质量的LDAC连接。

一旦播放开始,它将给你一个信息显示屏幕,显示编解码器和比特率,但你可以使用命令按钮来退出该屏幕,并在需要时在P6 Pro菜单中进行其他调整,而不会破坏蓝牙配对模式。


自从我使用原版P6以来,P6 Pro的连接范围都没有真正改变。使用LDAC连接,在信号质量变得有点不稳定和开始掉线之前,我可以离智能手机发射的地方约9米远。



P6 Pro 蓝牙模式连接的延迟控制确实非常好,但只有当你将USB延迟设置改为 "短延迟 "而不是 "长延迟 "时才会如此。当它无线连接到一台使用高比特率音源的Windows 10 Acer笔记本电脑时,在短延迟选项下,我检测不到音频同步的任何问题。




The noise floor from the P6 to the P6 Pro just got lower with an even more impressive black background from the original that provides for a fantastic level of dynamic range with both IEM and compatible headphones alike.

You might not think that claim for an additional 2dB on the SNR means much but with IEMs like the Andromeda 2020 and even less efficient monitors like the JH Audio Jolene, the P6 Pro sounds far more lively than its predecessor.

The one interesting quirk of its fantastic level of silence is the jump from 0 to 1 on both balanced and unbalanced with sensitive IEMs. At zero, you get nothing, not one iota of background his, and whilst you get the same lack of hiss going up the volume steps, the jump from zero to 1 is as gradual as I had expected. It is a manageable but fair-sized jump.

The jump on the original P6 was there also but the gain or output level on the P6 Pro seems high so what sounds comfortable at balanced low-gain 10 on the P6 sounds quite loud on the P6 Pro forcing me to drop it down to as low as 4-5 with the Campfire Andromeda 2020.

I just wonder if the current levels have been enhanced on the P6 Pro compared to the P6 and not simply down to having a better dynamic range and SRN performance.


At 700mW into a 32Ω load, the P6 Pro’s balanced output is my preferred output in high-gain for most planar and more demanding dynamic driver headphones. The 180mW into 32Ω single-ended output will not as well, even with moderately efficient planar headphones such as the Meze Empyrean.

700mW is still shy of the DX220 MAX’s 1.7mW of power and the HiBy R8s’s 1W so it is not the most powerful out there in terms of pure voltage grunt. Having said that, up until those two models, 700mW would be a very acceptable level of power for most DAPs so things do change quite quickly for media player tech specs.

P6 Pro的搭配协同


从P6到P6 Pro,底噪越来越低,有着令人印象更为深刻的漆黑背景。在推IEM和兼容的头戴耳机时,P6 Pro相比P6原版,提供了一个极其出众的动态范围表现。

你可能不认为在信噪比上增加了2个dB有什么意义,但对于像仙女座 2020这样的(高灵敏度)IEM以及像JH Audio Jolene这样灵敏度稍低的监听入耳,P6 Pro听起来比它的前辈要生动得多。

一个出自其极高水准干净声底的有趣的怪现象是,无论是单端还是平衡推IEM,P6 Pro音量从0到1都会有一个响度的跃迁。在0的时候,你什么也听不到,没有一丝一毫的背景声,同时你也听不到调高音量时发出的嘶嘶声,但从0到1的响度跃迁是渐进的,正如我所预期的那样,这是一个可控的但相当大的响度跃迁。

原来的P6也有这种跃迁,但P6 Pro的增益或输出声压级似乎很高,所以在P6上平衡输出低增益模式下10格音量在P6 Pro上听起来很响,迫使用仙女座2020的我把音量降至4-5格。

我只想知道,与P6相比,P6 Pro的输出电流是否得到了提高,而不仅仅是由于拥有更好的动态范围和信噪比。


P6 Pro的平衡输出在32Ω负载时为700mW,对于大多数平板耳机以及驱动要求较高的动动圈耳机来说,我会偏爱高增益输出。 32Ω负载180mW的单端输出并不理想,即使是推Meze Empyrean等灵敏度中等的平板耳机也是如此。

700mW仍然比不上DX220 MAX的1.7W功率和HiBy R8s的1W,所以就纯电压功率而言,它不是市面最强大的。尽管如此,在这两个型号之前,700mW对于大多数DAP来说是一个非常可接受的推力水平,所以对于音频播放器的参数规格来说,技术变化确实相当之快。


Two categories of monitors that pair really well with the P6 Pro, dynamic driver hybrids, and those deliver that excellent midrange vocal presence.

Now, if your monitor has a slightly vague midrange the P6 Pro will do better than most. If your monitor is slightly hard-edged on its attack, perhaps metallic sounding on the treble, the P6 Pro can soften that just enough to sound a lot more natural also.


For example, on the JH Audio Jolene, I find the vocal timbre and presence to be slightly relaxed and somewhat rounded in tone, especially when you use the bass module with a high setting.

Now with the competing DAPs, (see page 4), such as the R2R2000 or even the previous P6, the performance will not tease out a particularly vibrant vocal. In the case of the P6, you get a beautiful euphonic tone and wonderful textured detail but it remains relaxed. With the R2R2000, it kind of dips, sounds clean enough but a bit diffuse in imaging.

With the P6 Pro, the vocal harmonic balance has better accuracy but still quite natural as well as the body of the notes offering more physicality and presence. In fact, the entire midrange just lept out with a very clear vocal imaging performance.


Another cracking example of how well the P6 Pro can transform both the midrange timbre as well as synergize so well with dynamic driver hybrids is the Empire Ear’s flagship Odin.
On the low-end, the P6 Pro’s better dynamic tempo teases out a very impactful bass response but also one with excellent textured detail. The definition from that excellent dynamic range is beautiful with excellent low-end layering right down to each sub-bass growl.

On the upper-mids which is where I find the Odin to demand a more studied matching source, the P6 Pro delivers a very natural vocal tone, particularly for high-pitched falsetto and head voice mixes.

It is not as euphonic or warm as the original P6, but it still manages to stamp down on any potential sibilance emphasis and retain a very vivid sound. Quite often, brighter delta-sigma DAPs will add a bit of shine to the Odin upper-mids and rob it of a little bit of grit in the texture which produces a more digital tone to my ears compared to the P6 Pro.


If you feel the P6 was a bit too relaxed with some headphones then the P6 Pro will remedy that. Not to forget also the current demand from the P6 Pro is deceptively good at higher gain volume levels. As mentioned in the efficiency section, I do think this particular area has improved over the P6.

For example, the Meze Empyrean sounds beautifully rich and smooth with the P6 also offering decent headroom. However, with the P6 Pro, the mids get a bit of a lift with a stronger vocal presence combined with a more dynamic low-end presentation. You will also get a better sense of space with a blacker background and improved headroom over the P6.

I also think the Pro Pro has an edge on the previously reviewed HD660s/P6 pairing, particularly in the treble performance which I felt was a little too relaxed with the P6. The P6 Pro teases out a little more treble energy, and on the low-end, a stronger sense of PRaT.

Vocals in particular have a better balance and stronger imaging performance with the P6 Pro over the original warmish charm of the P6. I still think you can get more out of the HD660s with a desktop amp with more voltage swing but the P6 Pro never left me feeling that it sounded compressed or flat in its delivery.

Click on page 4 below for Select Comparisons.


有两类监听入耳与P6 Pro搭配得非常好,一类是采用混合单元的入耳,另一类是中频人声表现突出的入耳。

现在,如果你手头的监听入耳略显模糊,那么P6 Pro将比大多数前端做得更好。如果你的入耳在打击感的音色表现上略显生硬,也许在高频段有金属感,P6 Pro就可以软化它,使其听起来更自然。


例如,在JH Audio Jolene上,我发现人声音色和存在感略显松弛,有点圆润的感觉,特别是当你调高它的低频模块时。

如果现在加入有一战之力的DAP竞品,(见第4页),如R2R2000或之前的P6,那P6 Pro就不会表现出特别具有活力的人声。在P6驱动时,你可以听到一个富有美感的调音和以及美妙的纹理细节,且音色仍然很松弛。用R2R2000,它的音色有点往下走,听起来足够干净,但在结像方面有点散。

用P6 Pro推,人声音色有更好的准确性,且仍然相当自然,肉感十足,形体感、存在感更为明显。事实上,整个中频段单纯是凸显出一个非常清晰的人声结像表现。


Empire Ear的旗舰产品Odin是另一个很好的例子,它可以充分说明P6 Pro是如何改善中频音色,同时如何与混合单元耳机进行很棒的协调搭配。

在低频段,P6 Pro更优质的动态与节奏带来了非常有冲击力的低音响应,同时也带来了出色的纹理细节。极为出众的动态范围伴随着优异的低频层次感,一直到极低频的咆哮,这非常惊艳。

在中高频方面,我发现Odin在前端搭配上需要作更多的考究。P6 Pro提供了一个非常自然的人声音色,特别是对于高亢的假声和头声混合而言。

P6 Pro的音色不像原来的P6那样优美或温暖,但它仍然能够压制任何潜在的咝咝声,并保留一个非常生动的声音。很多时候,音色更亮的delta-sigma架构DAP会给Odin的中上盘加一点光泽,并在质地上磨掉一点它的颗粒感,但与P6 Pro相比,在我的耳朵里会产生更多的数码味。


如果你觉得P6在推一些耳机时有点过于松弛,那么P6 Pro将弥补这一缺陷。不要忘了还有P6 Pro的电流需求在更高增益的音量水平上是具有欺骗性的。正如在驱动效率篇所提到的,我确实认为P6 Pro在这一块特别的领域比P6有所改善。

例如,用P6推Meze Empyrean时,听起来音色非常丰富和流畅,P6也提供了适当的头上空间。然而,在P6 Pro上,中频得到了一些提升,人声更强,低频表现更具活力。你还会得到一个更好的空间感、更黑的背景,头上空间也比P6有所改善。

我还认为P6 Pro推660s比之前评测的P6+HD660s组合更有优势,特别是在高频表现方面,我觉得P6有点太宽松了。P6 Pro能激发出更多的高频能量,且在低频方面,有更强的速度、节奏和氛围感。

尤其在人声方面,P6 Pro有着更好的平衡性和更强的结像表现,而不是P6那种温暖的魅力。我仍然认为你可以从桌面级耳放中渣出更多HD660s的潜能,但P6 Pro驱动时从未让我感到它有压缩感或结像过于平坦。


 楼主| 发表于 2021-6-22 14:56 | 只看该作者 来自 江苏南京

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-6-19 09:45 | 只看该作者 来自 中国

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-6-19 09:37 来自手机 | 只看该作者 来自 广东广州
我觉得p6的人声好像比p6 pro还更好听。大编制而这两者也差不多,我搭配的是z1r和sultan

使用道具 举报

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