Download the hqplayer-embedded image and write the image to a media you plan to use for booting, such as USB memory stick.
Once booted up, you can use the web configuration interface from another computer or login as "root" (no password) from console. Default username for web interface is "hqplayer" and default password is "password". Please change the password as soon as possible, either through the web interface, or from command line using command "hqplayerd -s username password". The image will attempt to appear under name "hqplayer" on the network, but you can also see the obtained IP adress using command "ifconfig".
HQPlayer OS
HQPlayer OS is a fully custom Linux-based operating system tailored and optimized for HQPlayer use. It includes both HQPlayer Embedded and Network Audio Adapter functionality in a single bootable image, making it easy to to deploy the media to these different use cases. The image can be simply written to a USB memory stick or other suitable storage media, such as (micro)SD-card and booted up, without requiring any other installation steps.