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AURALiC ARIES 2.2 2.3更新汇总

发表于 2015-3-30 12:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自 辽宁省沈阳市浑南区
Firmware Version 2.2 Build 20150320
About This Release:
March 20, 2015
This update will request reboot of device for 3 times to finish completely if device is updating from firmware 1.8.2 and earlier or reboot twice for firmware 1.11, 1.10 and 1.9.
The first reboot occurs when user press 'update' button in App to start updating. The 2nd and 3rd reboot are automatically without user operation.

The device display will black out without any display for about 1 minute after 1st reboot when display software is been updated. The unit will reboot after display software update successfully.

The boot code will be updated after 2nd reboot (for firmware 1.8.2 and earlier) and a message will be displayed on device display to warning people not to power off the unit during this stage. The updating of boot code will take about 70 - 80 seconds. The unit will reboot after boot code has been updated.

Please make sure not reboot or turn off the unit during the updating of display and boot code or the unit will no longer able to boot up (will have to return to factory for flash the boot code).
Improve device discoverability with Lightning DS V1.8.
提高了Lightning DS V1.8下设备的搜索能力。

Fix the issue introduced in firmware V2.0 that uPnP mode no long work with JRIVER.

Fix the issue that ARIES could not seek while playing DFF file.

Fix the issue that certain file types could not be played though USB drive.

Fix the issue that Lightning Server scan progress becoming very slow when the USB drive contains invalid music files.
修正了当USB存储设备中有无效音频文件时Lightning Server搜索会变慢的问题。

Fix the issue that Lightning Server is unable to start due to database error.
修正了Lightning Server由于数据库错误偶尔不能正常启动的问题。
Fix the issue that some MP3 files with Chinese tag information could not be displayed correctly. This requests you to delete ‘LightinngServer.dat’, a hidden file stored on USB drive, to let Lightning Server proceed to a new scan.
修正了一些带有中文标签的MP3文件不能正确显示的问题。需要删除USB设备中的“LightningServer.dat”文件来让Lightning Server重新扫描。

Fix a potential issue that ARIES could not play anything while switch out of Songcast or Firmware Update Release Notice

New Features:
Files with invalid tag information will now be recognized by Lightning Server to allow better compatibility.
带有无效标签的文件现在也会被Lightning Server识别,以提高兼容性。

ARIES now provides samba server service; you can access USB drive attached to ARIES with username and password ‘auralic’. Please be noticed that ARIES will not rescan USB diskautomatically after you have changed the file (unplug and replug operation is still requested). The rescan button will be added in Lightning DS V2.
ARIES现在提供SAMBA服务器;您可以使用用户名和密码“auralic”接入连在ARIES上的USB存储设备。请注意ARIESUSB磁盘中文件变动后并不会自动重新扫描(目前仍需要拔出设备再重新插入)。Lightning DS V2版本会加入重新扫描按钮。

ARIES will shut down ARIES Ethernet controller circuit completely when it is working in WiFi mode. This allow us to reduce EMI noise and future improve sound quality.

ARIES will start a WiFi network named ‘AURALiC- Lightning’ automatically when it could not connect to the network previously used. Switch your iPad to this network will allow you to setup ARIES (to join your home network) without using LAN cable.

ARIES will return radio station information like station name, current playback duration and station bitrate to control software (waiting for new Lightning DS V2.0 to enable this function).
ARIES会将网络电台的信息进行反馈给Lightning DS,比如电台名称,目前的播放进度和电台的比特率(需要Lightning DS 2.0来支持这些功能)。

ARIES will report more detailed error log to AURALiC server to help support our customers.

You can see ARIES under its room name in your WiFi router’s attached device menu now.

Known Issues:
Device will wait at 176.4K or 352.8K rather than DSD64 or DSD128 when DAC Delay
function is enabled.

Device may not work with particular type of USB drive in Mac OS X journaled format.
设备不能支持特定的Mac OS x journaled格式USB设备。

Device may not work with particular type of USB drive or SSD drive which request power
over 5V/500mA.

USB DAC running on Wavelength USB firmware could not use USB playback function due to a confirmed bug of Wavelength USB firmware under Linux. The known effected brands are:
Ayre, Aesthetix and Berkeley Audio.
使用WavelengthUSB框架的USB解码器由于一些Linux系统下已经确定的bug,不能正常使用USB播放功能。已知的品牌有:AyreAesthetixBerkeley Audio

Disable ‘DSD over PCM’ only works on USB DAC that supports sampling rate to 352.8K.
只有支持352.8K采样率的USB解码器才能关闭“DSD over PCM”。

Certain kinds of 24bit AIF files will be reported as 32bit due to decoder bug.

Firmware Version 2.3 Build 20150327
About This Release:
March 27, 2015
Extend the “join network fail counter” from 30 seconds to 60 seconds to allow ARIES to join a network with slow DHCP server response.

Reduce the chance that ARIES may loss all users setting after updated to a new firmware.

Change the way that display program is been updated, allow recover the display program though special tool if the upgrade failed. Please write to support@auralic.com for detailed information if you need help on this issue.
改变了显示程序的升级方式,如果升级失败可以通过特殊工具进行复原。如果遇到问题,请致信 support@auralic.com寻求帮助。

Optimize log information been updated to AURALiC server.

Improve the firmware update function.

Improve the Lightning Server log function.
改良了Lightning Server日志功能。

Known Issues:

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